Customers have the privilege of no waiting time. Our drivers check all flight's etas. Sedans - get 30 minutes of free waiting time on domestic and international flights. Limousines get free for 30 minutes on domestic flights and 50 minutes on international flights for no extra charge. Vans - get 30 minutes of domestic flight and 50 minutes on international flights for free. SUVs are accessible for 30 minutes on domestic and 50 minutes on international flights.
The uniformed driver (suite-and-tie) will hold a sign with your name at the baggage carousel. Our company welcomes you with a "meet-and-greet" event, and you will also be given the driver's number.
Miami Limo Service does not require authorization to charge the card at the time of actual booking. This is done to ensure funds are available. After the ride, we will charge your card.
Once you have received your confirmation email with a Confirmation number, your car will be waiting for you.
Airport services can be canceled or changed within 4 hours of booking to allow for cancellations or delays. Send your cancellation email at least four hours before serving—phone your cancellation within 4 hours. * Certain vehicles, such as Stretch SUVs or Limo Buses, may be subject to cancellation policies of 7 days during busy days or other events. This will be communicated to the client before they make the reservation.